Lumbar Puncture in febrile infant

Pediatrics PGY1 PGY2

Is a lumbar puncture necessary when evaluating febrile infants (30 to 90 days of age) with an abnormal urinalysis?
There is a new study in Peds Emergency care which it describes a retrospective study among infants 1 month to 3 months old who came with fever and had a sepsis workup. Of 392 infants, one infant had Ecoli uti and bacteremia and meningitis. Interestingly, this patient was not described, active playful on history and his WBC was 2.9. the authors concluded “Routine LPs are not required in infants (30-90 days) presenting to the ED with a fever and a positive urinalysis if they are considered at low risk for serious bacterial infection based on clinical and laboratory criteria.”



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