British Thoracic Society/Intensive Care Society published a guideline regarding ventilatory management of acute hypercapnic respiratory failure(AHRF). I believe there are good recommendations for junior residents who do not know to deal with NIV machine and also setting initial parameter. This is augment our practice that how to approach COPD patient in ED with NIV. Link […]

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Headache Treatment!

Expert panel from American Headache Society Published a guideline! to manage Migraine Headache in ED in Headache June 2016. They searched and found 68 randomized controlled trials. I am very happy to see our routine practice to treat headache in ED, now after years is coming to Neurology Guideline! Metoclopramide and prochlorperazine offered as level […]

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Prednisone and Dexamethasone for Asthma

Can we use Dexa instead of Prednisone when we are discharging patient home? old question and as I remember the answer was always Sure! but why are we asking still this question: Symptomatic improvement following emergency department management of asthma: a pilot study of intramuscular dexamethasone versus oral prednisone. J. Asthma 1997 2 articles within […]

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Chest pain and ACS

One of our favorite question in ED is: “Does this patient with chest pain have ACS?” JAMA in Nov. 2015 tried to answer this question from the eyes of cardiologist in ED! Patient presented to ED with chest pain evaluated from 1995 to 2015. History, physical exam, ECG, clinical decision rule and Troponin were examined […]

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